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History teacher demands sex from student and her mother so that the girl doesn’t get expelled from the school

78% (119 votes)
Miss Morgan, a high school history teacher, is at a desk correcting homework.She picks up the phone, “Yes, is this Mandy’s mother?This is Miss Morgan, Mandy’s history teacher.
Miss Morgan, a high school history teacher, is at a desk correcting homework.She picks up the phone, “Yes, is this Mandy’s mother?This is Miss Morgan, Mandy’s history teacher. … I need to have a talk with you and your daughter here at the school” They arrive, and the teacher tells them that she knows the girl has been copying off of other students.

Both mother and daughter protest that she can’t do that, it will ruin her chances at getting into a good college, but the history teacher forces the mother to spank her daughter in front of her.It’s about time SOMEBODY slapped some sense into her.The mother tries to ask what else she could do, a favor from one of her husband’s many influential friends, a donation to the school maybe?

But Miss Morgan says it’s because of parents being wusses these days that kids get away with everything.Spank Mandy and she’ll consider not taking this to the principal or the school board like she should.The mother says that when she and Mandy get home they can of course discuss it as part of her punishment but the teacher tells her she misunderstands – she wants her to spank Mandy right now, in front of her!!!

She has no choice but to lift her daughter’s skirt and spank her naked ass right there in the classroom.As the teeng irl is spanked, her teacher becomes aroused and starts feeling herself up.As the woman notices her daughter’s teacher rubs her pussy, enjoying the show, she hurriedly tells her it’s time to go.

However, the teacher becomes angry and demands that the mother strips all of her clothes, just like her daughter, which is pretty strange.They are outraged, and move to leave again. ‘You can refuse, of course… but you’ll be sealing your fate at this school.Maybe even the whole school board.

She demands for both of them to have sex so that the girl doesn’t get expelled from the school.She doesn’t seem to be happy with what’s going on, and the blonde teen is just super creeped out with the entire scene but they agree to keep everything quiet.
Anonymous | 2025-02

❤️H­­­ere yo­­­u c­­­an und­­­ress a G­­­­irl a­­­nd se­­­e he­­­r Nаk­­­­еd) Pl­­­ease che­­­ck i­­­t ou­­­t ➤